Skittles rainbow

scittles1My kids are 6 and 7 now, so I have construct with children for several years. I thought I have seen all in Instargam, Facebook and Pinterest but still I find new and interesting things would like to try.

On day we did candy rainbow. You need Skittles, a large bowl or plate and warm (not hot) water. At first I took a bowl but I have chosen wrong candies so they fell down. With plate was same thing. After all I used coconut oil to the edge of the plate would not be so slippery.

If candy is stacked to the edge of the dish, pour the hot water into the plate or bowl or something you used. Rainbow will begin to emerge immediately.


The weather is so dark in Estonia now but we used only half the candy, so we can repeat the experiment in some brighter day. We have not polar night but at the end of the year the sun shines less.

You can find my video here:

See you again!

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